In this episode we chat with Erin MacDonald, PhD. Our guest tells us about her experience with Star Trek and how she came to her Trek fandom later in life. Dr Erin shares about her interest in science and she also talks about her opinion of the science in some of her favorite episodes!

Key moments in the show:
- Why Scotland made Dr Erin feel like she was in the Delta Quadrant
- How Star Trek helped her connect with colleagues
- Star Trek tattoos
- Her first visit to STLV
- Here is a link to The Tricorder Transmissions podcast network Shore Leave show, which talks about DragonCon, which we reference in the episode.
- Brief recap of her STLV panels
- Does being a scientist get in the way of enjoying Star Trek?
- The giant science flaw in The Martian
- Her favorite cosplays from different fandoms
- Her inherited Trek collection of cups and plates
- The Scully Effect
- Are transporters death machines? Is a wave-based or particle-based technology?
- Episodes discussed
- Into the Forest I Go (Discovery S01E09)
- Eye of the Needle (Voyager S01E07)
- Counterpoint (Voyager S05E10)
- The Way of the Warrior (DS9 S04E01/E02)
- Darmok (TNG S05E02)
You can check out Dr Erin’s work at any of the following:
- Dr Erin Explains the Universe YouTube series
- Follow her on Facebook here
- Her Twitter is here
- Instagram for Dr Erin
- Dr Erin’s personal web site is here, and the current cover page photo was taken by your humble host at STLV at one of the good Doctor’s panels!
Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Director of Stellar Cartography for the Federation Astronomical Committee
Listen online below.