My guest is the actor Dominic Burgess, a lifelong Star Trek fan who appeared in the Star Trek: Picard episode Stardust City Rag.

- Early fandom as child
- Catching up on the episodes as a kid in the UK
- Premier League Football (soccer) problems
- Voyager was in the right spot
- Watch as it goes or binge it?
- Stoke-on-Trent
- The Fiance is not a Trek Fan
- Being under the weather is the perfect excuse for a Trek Movie marathon
- Star Trek Beyond Stuntman?
- The “Best of Both Worlds” experience
- Check out the Trek Randomizer
- Rewatch methods
- My guest loves the two-parters
- Star Trek Revell model kits
- Dominic has a custom-made Voyager model (Pics below!)
- Regrets about hiding the fandom
- The “Aztec” pattern on the refit Enterprise
- Biggest regrets: Test Teeth
- Convention Challenges
- “Cat Con”
- Custom Funko Pops
- “I will be a sliding door”
- The hand-written letter for casting
- The techno-babble was intense
- The audition did not feel good
- Tears of joy
- A massive script error!
- Prosthetic discussion
- Whenever in doubt shoot wide & low!
- The prosthetics are liberating!
- To watch or not to watch…
- The Good Place show
- The episode is divisive?
- The outrageous costumes for the hero crew
- Chabon delivering on the background of the show
- Twisted and the 37s are combined for my guest
- VHS tape collecting
- The “stay or go” choice should have appeared several seasons later
- Dominic suggests Amelia Earhart
- Geneviève Bujold as Janeway
- John will not permit a Janeway hair discussion
- Recasting concerns
- 44 minute storytelling is dead
- A sucker for time travel & time paradoxes
- What could have been
- What Dominic hopes for when he dies
- Title Awarded: Counter Intelligence Director at Khitomer Outpost

Episodes Discussed
- Stardust City Rag PIC S1E05
- Twisted VOY S2E06
- The 37s VOY S2E01
- Caretaker VOY S1E01 & E02
- Yesterday’s Enterprise TNG S3E15
- Year of Hell VOY S4E08 & E09

- Dominic’s IMDB is here
- Twitter/X is here
- Find his Instagram here

This show is a labor of love. If you’d like to show your support for Trek Profiles, please consider a donation to the official charity of the podcast: The Children’s Fund for Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD). Click here to donate. Or click here to learn more about GSD.

- Some portions of the Kobayashi Maru lightning round questions in this episode were written by listener Adam Saunders. If you’d like to submit questions for possible inclusion on the show, you can send me a message via Twitter or email me. I give some suggestions on good questions here.
- Background photo by Leonardo Zorzi on Unsplash