In this episode we speak with Professor of Biology Mohamed Noor of Duke University. Dr. Noor is not only a long time Star Trek fan, but also a Trek author! We talk about his book as well as what he thinks of the use of science in Star Trek.

(Star Trek Tour in Ticonderoga, NY)
Topics for this episode
- The Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun book. (Patreon Edition)
- Trekkies versus Trekkers debate and there is also the Trekkist. (Patreon Edition)
- Professor Noor’s Star Trek Random Episode Selector
- Thermoregulation
- Eric Spana and Genetics of Wizarding and Harry Potter
- André Bormanis – Science Consultant
- The Star Trek Tour in Ticonderoga, New York
- Allopolyploidy
- The free Mind-Body Problems ebook I reference in the podcast
- CRISPR-CAS9 technology
- The relationship between Sickle Cell Anemia and Malaria
- The Panspermia theory
- The Vidiian Phage
- Tardigrades
- How big is the Universe?
- The Joe Rogan interview with Dr Paul Stamets
- Dr Paul Stamets did a TED Talk
- Why those who freeze to death are sometimes found naked
- Epigenetics
- Horizontal Gene Transfer
- The “Fake Science” paper submitted to various predatory journals
- The Repeatability Crisis in Science
- Dr Noor’s Lecture on Evolution in Star Trek

Episodes discussed
- For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (TOS S3E10)
- Shades of Grey (TNG S2E22)
- Take Me Out to the Holosuite (DS9 S7E4)
- Into the Forest I Go (DSC S1E9)
- Tuvix (VOY S2E24)
- False Profits (VOY S3E5)
- Star Trek: Nemesis
- The Chase (TNG S6E20)
- Faces (VOY S1E14)
- The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not for the Lamb’s Cry (DSC S1E4)
- Choose Your Pain (DSC S1E5)
- Threshold (VOY S2E15)
- Favorite Son (VOY S3E20)
- Up the Long Ladder (TNG S2E18)
Connect with Professor Noor at any of the following:
- His official Duke University web page is here. But you can find his lab’s web page here.
- His email address is
- His Twitter account is @mafnoor
Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Special Visiting Professor of Xenobiology at the Vulcan Science Institute