In this episode we speak with the wonderful and delightful Jenn Tifft. She is a long-time Star Trek fan and is very active on Trek Twitter and is also a podcaster.

- Buck Bokai, with art by Lee Sargent
- The Star Trek Las Vegas convention
- The upcoming Picard show
- Deep Space 9 “What We Left Behind” screenings
- The SnapTrek podcast with Jenn and Ross
- Jenn’s talks about SVU Syndrome
- Jenn’s thoughts on Keiko O’Brien
- The Delta Flyer Podcast
- Imposter Syndrome
- Jumja Sticks from DS9
- Pilot Gotana-Retz
- The Future of Worldwide Income Distribution by Hellebrandt and Mauro
- The GapMinder website has all kinds of data to visualize global trends
- Infant mortality declining over time
- From the Bonus Material
- Gritty the Mascot of the Philadelphia Flyers – Best of 2018
- The Star Trek edition of Let’s Make a Deal
- You can watch the episode here
- Here is a picture of your host on the set.
- Jenn’s Secret Life as a nicer, gentler, Section 31 Agent
- Your humble host got this pair of Cuff Links from his work as a reward

Episodes Discussed
- Caretaker VOY S1E1
- Tuvix VOY S2E24
- Similitude ENT S3E10
- Return of the Archons TOS S1E22
- The Apple TOS S2E9
- In the Hands of the Prophets DS9 S1E20
- Take Me Out to the Holosuite DS9 S7E4
- The Begotten DS9 S5E12
- Time’s Orphan DS9 S6E24
- What You Leave Behind DS9 S7E25
- Explorers DS9 S3E22
- Someone to Watch Over Me VOY S5E22
- Link to the singing scene
- The Killing Game VOY S4E18
- Loud as a Whisper TNG S2E5
- Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (Novelization)
- Cold Fire VOY S2E10
- Lifesigns VOY S2E19
- Bar Association DS9 S4E16
- The Void VOY S7E15
- Blink of an Eye VOY S6E12
- Muse VOY S6E22
- Terra Prime ENT S4E21
- The Offspring TNG S3E16
Find Jennifer and connect with her at any of the following:
- Twitter @eatatquarks
- You can also follow and listen to her fantastic Star Trek podcast, SnapTrek here.
Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Engineering Manager for Warp Systems Design at The UFP’s Rigellian Shipyards.
Background photo by Gibson Hurst™ on Unsplash