In this episode, we speak with Kerry Purvis about her Star Trek fandom. We talk about her favorite episodes and discover some common themes among them!

- John’s Spock Ratings for Star Trek
- Seeing Trek out of order… does watching Picard then Voyager affect the experience?
- Waiting all summer… or not to see the Best of Both Worlds continuation
- Kerry’s Captain Picard song
- The nature of collecting Star Trek books
- Physical media vs Streaming
- The joy of gag reels
- Pet Sematery, the Stephen King book
- The North & South miniseries
- A clapperboard
- The “hilarious” exploding head
- The So to Speak podcast, episode 88 with James LaRue
- J/C Shipping
- Possible differing standards for Janeway as Captain
- Did Janeway and Chakotay actually get together in the show?
- What did Janeway think?
- The guest counselor Hugh Cambridge in the novels
- The cliffhanger in Architects of Infinity
- Was Tasha treated fairly?
- The Vulcans don’t hide their emotions very well
- What’s a Cozy Mystery?
- Murder, She Wrote, the show
- The underdog characters
- Some of Kerry’s articles from Women at Warp
- T’Pol’s Book Club: Frankenstein
- T’Pol’s Book Club: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
- T’Pol & Tripp in S1 Enterprise
- Kerry has an opinion on who is the best Vulcan
- Social media extroversion vs IRL introversion
- Ensign Cutler & Dr Phlox
- From the Bonus Material
- The Dad Mug
- A little bit on Microfiche
Episodes Discussed
- Encounter at Farpoint TNG S1E01
- Best of Both Worlds TNG S3E26 and S4E01
- Star Trek: The Motion Picture
- Conspiracy TNG S1E25
- The Drumhead TNG S4E21
- Full Circle by Kirsten Beyer (Voyager novel)
- Architects of Infinity by Kirsten Beyer (Voyager novel)
- Yesterday’s Enterprise TNG S03E15
- Past Tense DS9 S03E11 & S03E12
- Carbon Creek ENT S02E02
- 11:59 VOY S05E23
- Parallels TNG S7E11
- Tapestry TNG S6E15
- The Lorelei Signal TAS S01E04
- Horizon ENT S2E20
- Data’s Day TNG S04E11

- You can find Kerry on Twitter here
- Her Spanish language twitter account is here
Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Curator of Historical Fiction at the Memory Alpha complex