In this episode we speak with Norman Lao, co-host of the amazing MissionLog podcast, amateur swordsman, and wearer of kilts. Norm is a life-long fan of Star Trek and shares his most personally meaningful episodes in this discussion. Plus we announce an upcoming special!

- NX-01 Refit
- Next up: “Lurker Profiles”
- Norman’s first Star Trek memory
- James T Kirk as a hero
- Special memories of Tennis, Space Invaders watches, and Star Trek
- TV Guide
- Starlog Magazine (Archive online)
- Babylon 5
- Star Trek philosophy
- Revisiting the fandom wars of the 1990’s
- Some fans may have missed the point
- Space: 1999
- The allure of sci-fi generally
- Tantalus Colony cosplay
- Dorm room Star Trek viewing
- First convention experiences
- Donald Cory as a character
- Feeling the Star Trek Enterprise fan connection
- The USS Prometheus
- Getting involved with MissionLog
- The Zócalo Cast
- Does “working in Star Trek” affect the fan experience?
- Fan reception as the new co-host on MIssionLog
- The cost of critique
- John met some real life Comic-Book-Guys from The Simpsons
- The show in the fan’s heads versus the show on the screen
- The perennial Jellico discussion
- John digresses on Ancient Roman History
- Re-writing the entire season one of Star Trek Enterprise
- John’s Live Tweets of Enterprise First Flight
- Watch the Star Trek Continues episode Lolani
- Prime Directive dissection
- Are TOS-style morality plays still relevant?
- Contrasting Kirk and Decker in Doomsday Machine
- Khan does have a point about one thing, and it’s important
- Fathers and Sons generally
- From the Bonus Material
- General Izzi makes an entrance
Episodes Discussed
- The Wrath of Khan (Movie)
- The Doomsday Machine TOS S2E06
- The Omega Glory TOS S2E23
- Balance of Terror TOS S1E14
- Chains of Command TNG S6E10 & 11
- First Flight ENT S2E24
- Star Trek Continues: Lolani
- Spectre of the Gun TOS S3E01
- The Visitor DS9 S4E03
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- MissionLog Podcast
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Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Lecturer in Classic Weapons and Swordplay at the University of Alpha Centauri
Background photo by Claribel O’Boyle on Unsplash