In this episode we speak with the Comedian & Star Trek fan Sharon Simon

- Seeing TNG with Mom
- Sting in the Boner Suit was an epic fail
- Being different wasn’t cool back in the day
- My guest does not ship it
- My guest was originally a purist
- Margarita influenced viewing
- Streaming leads to repetition
- Pluto TV
- My guest’s first and only Star Trek crush
- Discovery thoughts
- Klingon Kontroversies
- Husband issues with SNW
- Star Trek: Space Mall
- Clutter vs Collecting
- The Parrot did not like the Action Figures
- Unable to cosplay the character she wants to portray
- Nerd Comedy
- The old screening rooms at cons
- LeVar Burton will not lead you astray
- About my guest’s Father
- On “being afraid to take chances”
- Amanda Row, a SNW director
- Fan Service vs Artistic Vision
- A diversion on Star Wars
- What it means to be alive
- Where is Moriarty?
- The really alien aliens
- Don’t eat that Octopus
- My guest has a unique Christmas Movie favorite
- Sharon had a disconcerting situation as a youth
- Doc Martens shoes
- Science fiction is beautiful
- Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Headliner at the Giggle Factory on Planet Voth
- From the Second Part
- My guest has some regrets about her earlier appearance
- Prodigy Rules
- Sharon was ill and didn’t know it!
- There is room for more Star Trek in the World
- Very Short Treks Reactions
- From the Bonus Material
- Denim Jacket Breakdown
- The Severed Podcast
- Diversion on the Very Short Treks
- The Severance TV Show
- Severance predictions
- Depeche Mode would not be in the Music Dance Experience

Episodes Discussed
- Star Trek (2009)
- Elementary, Dear Data TNG S2E03
- Ship in a Bottle TNG S6E12
- Sharon’s Interview with SNW Director Amanda Row
- A taste of Sharon’s nerd comedy
- Sharon’s Instagram

This show is a labor of love. If you’d like to show your support for Trek Profiles, please consider a donation to the official charity of the podcast: The Children’s Fund for Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD). Click here to donate. Or click here to learn more about GSD.
Some portions of the Kobayashi Maru lightning round questions in this episode were written by listener Peter Wolchak. If you’d like to submit questions for possible inclusion on the show, you can send me a message via Twitter or email me. I give some suggestions on good questions here.
Background photo by Florian Wehde on Unsplash