In this episode we speak with Tyler Cardwell. He’s a podcaster and Star Trek fan.

- Eagle Moss 1701 Refit Kit
- Shore Leave Podcast for Convention attendees
- STLV 101 Series
- Deep Space 9 and the holo-communicator
- George de Mestral, inventor of Velcro
- T’Mir’s Purse
- The Iran Contra Affair
- The Star Trek TOS Remastered Editions
- The Star Wars Remastered Editions Controversy
- Star Trek Continues
Episodes we cover:
- ShortTreks: Runaway (DIS:ST S1E1)
- Carbon Creek (ENT S2E2)
- Our Man Bashir (DS9 S4E10)
- In the Pale Moonlight (DS9 S6E19)
- The Galileo Seven (TOS S1E16)
- The Way of the Warrior (DS9 S4E1)
- Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad (DIS S1E7)
- The Devil in the Dark (TOS S1E25)
- Trials and Tribble-ations (DS9 S5E6)
Connect with Tyler at any of the following:
- Twitter
- Tyler’s Twitter
- Podcasts
- Nerdy People Play D&D
- Talking Fail
- The Discographer’s Podcast
Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Chief Script Writer for Holodeck Amusements at the Antares StarFleet Shipyards
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