This episode’s guest is Kimberly Lawler. In this one, we talk about how Kimberly experienced Trek as a young girl, her several fandoms, plus we get a legal interpretation of some of her favorite Star Trek episodes.

- Kimberly is not a completist & refuses to commit
- The status of Kimberly’s out-of-sequence Voyager watch-through
- Kimberly opines that Star Trek: Picard would not be a good one to watch first
- On being fully spoiled on all the Star Trek
- Recruiting the children into the fandom
- The correct beverage for recording Trek Profiles
- John surprises Kimberly with a random Tuvix question
- Shakespeare, Classical Music, and TNG
- Classical music in Bugs Bunny
- On being a Fanfic author (See Kimberly’s collected works here.)
- What happened to all of Kimberly’s baby-sitting money
- About the Usenet group alt.startrek.creative
- Web version of the Usenet group
- The site
- The Trekiverse site
- The prevalence of adult themes in fanfic
- Kimberly’s first convention experience
- Does Picard follow the Prime Directive to anti-humanitarian conclusions?
- John’s opinions on Homeward are discussed here
- Don’t look at the universe of Star Trek too closely
- How do we allocate Picard’s wines?
- Kimberly’s favorite character
- The perspective of an Admiral versus a Captain
- Viewing the Federation more broadly
- Is Starfleet a meaningful representation of Federation society?
- John wants to see more of Commander Shelby
- Did Riker get complacent?
- Kimberly applies Riker’s situation to her own career
- The concept of Missing Scenes fanfic
- Some fans feeling ownership of the show
- Picard’s friendship with Guinan and Beverly
- Opinions on the propriety of Beverly & JLP in a relationship
- Which character in all of Trek does Kimberly most identify with?
- Sub Rosa as an episode is not and will not be discussed
- Where is Beverly in Star Trek: Picard?
- Tom Clancy novels
- Kimberly is fascinated with Captain Jellico
- Thoughts on the torture scenes in Chain of Command
- John and Kimberly have both read and recommend Gulag: A History
- Discussion of Kimberly’s Fanfic Kintsugi, in which Gul Madred and Picard meet again
- Also, the origin of the word Kintsugi
- Maybe Picard does have a hubris problem?
- The use of Classical Music in Star Trek
- The upcoming Dune remake
- Beverly’s understated reaction to Wes’ predicament
- The concept of Duty
- Sir Thomas More
- The novel The Lords of Discipline
- The Devore are bad, but probably realistic
- The practical ethics of telepathy in Star Trek
- The legal proceedings in Author, Author and Kimberly’s opinions on them
- The responsibilities of an author
- The concept of a person in statutes
- Judicial minimalism and the realism it portrays
- John puts Kimberly on the spot with legal questions under Federation law
- Navy Familygrams
- The Memory Alpha page for Author, Author has a hilarious reference
- Kimberly was not a fan of Judy Blume or Saved by the Bell; she only had interest in Star Trek
- Kirk vs Picard
- There is no Dana, only Zuul
- Moral Relativism in Picard, versus as seen in Kirk
- Prior guest Tim Sandefur’s thoughts on ethics in TOS
- Examining the politics in DS9 as seen in Duet
- Cardassians are Kimberly’s second favorite
- On being challenged by Picard as a synth… what does it mean for the character?
- The Mind/Body problem
- Aristotle & Aquinas
- Kimberly’s thoughts on Star Trek novels generally
- Getting away from Star Trek and then getting back into the fandom
- On being a person of faith and a Star Trek fan
- From the Bonus Material

Episodes Discussed
- Tuvix VOY S2E24
- Attached TNG S7E08
- Hide and Q TNG S1E10
- Imzadi, Novel
- Reunion, Novel
- Q Squared, Novel
- Homeward TNG S7E13
- Survivors TNG S3E03
- I Borg TNG S5E23
- A Private Little War TOS S2E16
- Best of Both Worlds Parts 1, 2, and 3 TNG S3E26, S4E01 & E02
- Attached TNG S7E08
- The Perfect Mate TNG S5E21
- Symbiosis TNG S1E22
- Ethics TNG S5E16
- The Last, Best Hope, Novel
- Chain of Command, S6E10 & E11
- Sarek TNG S3E23
- Cause and Effect TNG S5E18
- The First Duty TNG S5E19
- Counterpoint VOY S5E10
- Author, Author VOY S7E20
- Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
- Duet DS9 S1E19
- Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2 STP S1E10
- New Eden DSC S2E02

- Follow Kimberly on Twitter @kalliend3
- Check out her Trek Fan Fiction
- Here is Kimberly’s FanFic Magnum Opus: Kintsugi
Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Counsel General for the Federation Diplomatic Corp
Background photo by Annie Maher on Unsplash