In this episode we speak with David Majors, a prolific podcaster with multiple shows about anime, wrestling, music, and of course Star Trek.

- David’s earliest Star Trek memory
- John’s Star Trek mysteries
- Air Force guard duty and the show
- Checkov as an engineer
- Canonical references to Star Trek: The Animated Series
- David does not binge on episodes
- Q threw the first punch
- All Star Trek on the H&I Channel
- Dr Noor’s Star Trek episode picker
- Motor City Comic-Con
- Wish, David’s choice for his uniforms
- The Promenade Merchant’s Podcast (Apple or Google)
- The American Film Institute’s Top 100 List
- The BlackPink YouTube rabbit hole
- David is excited for Star Trek: Prodigy
- Space Cases, a show David feels might be an inspiration
- David feels a connection to B’Elanna Torres
- Struggles for mental wellness
- The cutting phenomena
- Theology and science in the Family Pike
- David’s specific criticism of Star Trek Discovery
- Luddites in the world of Star Trek
- Seeing the Federation as it is
- Deep Space Nine as the tool to examine Star Trek and the Federation
- Putting the Saurian Brandy into the Root Beer
- David on The Full Gowron
- Nationalism/Planetism as the basis of Klingon motivation
- Reflections on T’Kuvma and his brand of Klingon politics
- David doesn’t want to vacation on Risa, he would rather visit Qo’noS
- The importance of Vulcan emotion & the Sword of Damocles
- The Galaxy Quest documentary
- David’s feelings about the Damar character
- The US Grant documentary
- David’s relationship with his older sister
- Star Trek as part of David’s life
- Feelings about the Trek fandom generally

Episodes Discussed
- Best of Both Worlds TNG S3E26
- Star Trek: The Motion Picture
- Extreme Risk VOY S5E03
- New Eden DSC S2E02
- Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges DS9 S7E16
- Control (novel)
- Redemption TNG S4E26
- Gravity VOY S5E13
- Frame of Mind TNG S6E21
- The Sacrifice of Angels DS9 S6E06
- If Memory Serves DSC S2E08

- Connect with David on Twitter here.
- Listen to the Promenade Merchants Podcast: Apple or Google
- David’s website with links to all his various projects is here
Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Special Federation Envoy to Cardassia Prime
Background photo by Alex Brisbey on Unsplash