In this episode we speak with Olivia Anko, a newer Star Trek fan from the UK. While being aware of Trek, she only got into the show a few years ago and also has amassed quite a following on Twitter with her episode live-tweeting.

- Deciding to watch Star Trek “ironically” in 2018
- Viewing order discussion
- Thoughts on where a new viewer should start with Star Trek
- Twitter was the gateway to Discovery
- Comparing the three incarnations of TV Trek: Gene, Berman, and Kurtzman
- Why live-tweet?
- Olivia’s dream collector’s item
- Attending Destination Star Trek
- Olivia met Ethan Peck
- Convention regrets
- The Vulcans are shady and sassy
- On being a sincere fan of TNG’s Masks
- The occasional absurdity of TOS made it appealing
- Memory Alpha, in general
- Olivia will debate you on Masks
- Star Trek: The Motion Picture awards
- John’s family movie night
- Models vs CGI
- The TOS Blu-Rays
- Olivia finds Garak compelling
- Star Trek episodes that were banned in the UK
- Dukat is the Anti-Garak
- Olivia demands that people warn her about episodes in advance
- Discovery is not as absurd as TOS and Olivia misses that
- Threshold was not nearly as weird as The Thaw
- Trek is the perfect amalgamation of things Olivia needs
- Image of the Deep Space Nine Promenade Directory
Olivia & Ethan Peck

Episodes Discussed
- Deadlock VOY S2E21
- The Andorian Incident ENT S1E07
- Masks TNG S7E17
- Star Trek: TMP
- Civil Defense DS9 S3E07
- The Thaw VOY S2E23
- Talk with Olivia on Twitter
- Watch Olivia on Twitch
Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Judge Advocate General at Starbase 47