In this episode we speak with Star Trek fan and podcaster Thad Hait. He’s been a long-time fan and besides loving everything to do with the show, he’s also a podcaster as well. Check him out at the Delta Flyer.

- Getting into Star Trek
- HDR and Blu-Ray and the video specifications
- Having a stand-up Chakotay admonishing people to wash their hands
- The 1990’s Playmates Action Figures
- Box or Unbox the toys?
- Thad’s L’Rell photo
- First convention experiences
- The Shore Leave Podcast
- The STLV 101 series
- Changes in the Star Trek convention experience and thoughts on the future
- The Delta Flyer podcast
- Seeing First Contact
- Star Trek’s Finest Hour, according to Thad
- Thad’s identification with Reg Barclay
- Brief diversion to discuss Please Stand By
- Star Trek’s view of the future is riddled with inconsistencies and that’s OK
- Carnival Row on Amazon Prime
- Which episodes of the modern era are they going to still be talking about in 50 years?
- Science, religion, and philosophy
- Klingon accountability
- Shaking things up in DS9
- From the Bonus Material
- The Giant Foot
Episodes Discussed
- Star Trek: First Contact (Movie)
- The Drumhead TNG S4E21
- Pathfinder VOY S5E10
- The Measure of a Man TNG S2E09
- New Eden DSC S2E02
- Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (Movie)
- The Way of the Warrior DS9 S4E01 & E02
- Nepenthe PIC S1E07
- Talk with Thad on Twitter
- Check out the Delta Flyer Podcast here
Shout Outs
Some portions of the Kobayashi Maru questions used during this episode were submitted by listener Corbie Hill. If you would like to submit questions for possible inclusion on a future episode, see the rules here. And if you submit an accepted question before January 15, 2021, you’ll be entered into our contest to win some Star Trek loot!
Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Chief Operations Officer at Spacedock Command
Background Photo by Charles Jackson on Unsplash