My guest is Jennifer Rossman, an author and prolific live-tweeter of shows.

- Mom failed to generate interest in the show
- Blame the nerd
- Starting with the Picard show
- Lack of nostalgia
- 7 of 9 but backwards
- Live-tweeting origin story
- Turning Jim into Sam
- Trekconderoga
- Saving Star Trek Prodigy
- Can there be too much Prodigy all at once?
- Star Trek fans and social media
- Star Trek canon is just vibes
- Star Trek Adventures tabletop RPG
- Is Doctor Bashir autistic?
- The worst parents in all of Star Trek
- “Star Trek My Fair Lady”
- FX vs Human Moments
- Klingon Chef is a favorite
- John sings Klingon Opera
- Stuff gets dropped. It’s part of the show.
- John talks about why he loves Lifesigns here
- The EMH versus Zimmerman
- Janeway’s not ethically dogmatic
- Gaslighting
- Deanna’s uniform kind of a big deal
- The movie Gaslight
- The best decision anyone made on the Enterprise D was…
- Title Awarded: Operational Support Advocate for Region XXIII

Episodes Discussed
- Dr Bashir, I Presume DS9 S5E16
- Someone to Watch Over Me VOY S5E22
- Melora DS9 S2E06
- Lifesigns VOY S2E19
- Tuvix VOY S2E24
- Chain of Command TNG S6E10 & TNG S6E11

- Follow Jennifer on Twitter/X here
- Check our Jennifer’s writing here
This show is a labor of love. If you’d like to show your support for Trek Profiles, please consider a donation to the official charity of the podcast: The Children’s Fund for Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD). Click here to donate. Or click here to learn more about GSD.
- Some portions of the Kobayashi Maru lightning round questions in this episode were written by listener Adam Saunders. If you’d like to submit questions for possible inclusion on the show, you can send me a message via Twitter or email me. I give some suggestions on good questions here.
- Background photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash