In this episode we speak with Star Trek fan Eric Christopherson.

- Coming into the fandom as a kid
- Blame Dad
- Voyager was the way in
- Birthdays are great, but I need to be home by 8 to watch Trek
- Watch Status: Complete
- Why are you podcasting with me?
- Spousal toleration
- Giant Picard Heads
- Convention chat
- Easy Halloween Trek costumes
- The SciFi Club at School
- The Outer Limits: The Zanti Misfits
- None of the kids had seen a single episode of Star Trek
- Explorers and the Sisko/Jake relationship
- Thinking of Dad
- More Power vs More Brains
- The Anti-Tech Utopia message in Star Trek
- John gets a little meta
- Everyone is capable and it’s nice to see it sometimes
- When Star Trek punches you right in the feels
- Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Elementary Temporal Mechanics Teacher at Utopia Planitia School

Episodes Discussed
- Children of the Comet SNW S1E02
- Explorer DS9 S3E22
- Booby Trap TNG S3E06
- Arena TOS S1E18
- Lower Decks TNG S7E15
- Memento Mori SNW S1E04
- The Elysian Kingdom SNW S1E08
- The Visitor DS9 S4E02
- Star Trek Generations (Movie)

This show is a labor of love. If you’d like to show your support for Trek Profiles, please consider a donation to the official charity of the podcast: The Children’s Fund for Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD). Click here to donate. Or click here to learn more about GSD.


- Background photo by Alan Labisch on Unsplash
- Would you like to write some Kobayashi Maru lightning round questions? If you’d like to submit some for possible inclusion on the show, you can send me a message via Twitter or email me. I give some suggestions on good questions here.