In this episode we speak with the Podcaster, Comic-Book Fan, and Trekkie Ross Webster about his Star Trek fandom.

- Growing up with Trek in the UK
- A Ben Sisko poster on the wall
- UK Star Trek experience as a kid… BBC2
- The scandalous move of Star Trek to channel 4 in the UK
- “Fortunate Son” made them all quit Enterprise
- Season 4 of Discovery was a problem in the UK and Ross hasn’t seen it yet. He blames Alex Perry.
- Live-Tweeting tasks
- Recruiting the family into Star Trek
- Star Trek Comics Collection
- Comics 365
- Action Figures too
- Variant covers variable
- Autograph stories
- The actor does not care about your collecting stories sometimes
- Destination Star Trek Shenanigans
- License free convention advantages
- We are not normies
- The power of Star Trek Twitter compels you…
- SnapTrek origin story
- Ross is jealous of mad poetry skills
- A most unusual choice of episodes for Valentine’s Day
- Writing for magazines
- Aphasia appears
- Chuft Captain Confusion
- Owning only the Animated Series on DVD
- Larry Niven: A Sci-Fi Legend
- Consistent world building is not a part of Star Trek
- Tommy Westphall Hypothesis
- Check out some of the Star Trek connections to the Westphall universe
- Roman origins of Memento Mori
- Gripes about language in the show
- The Klingon Language Institute is the place to learn your tlhIngan Hol
- The password slot machines trope
- The monkey copyright case
- Variant Comics Covers
- Can’t get Star Trek Lego
- Captain Pike and Ross’ first lecture
- Nana liked Rogers & Hammerstein, Star Trek, and John McClane
- Prequel/Sequel and the related issues
- Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Chief of the Speech Pathology Division at the Starbase 416 Medical Research Facility
- From the Bonus Material
- The box of Star Trek loot I sent to Ross
- Marie Kondo
- Star Trek Stamp Collections & Art
- Klingon Chef Art
- John sings Klingon Opera
- Star Trek Cruise & the 80’s Cruise
- American Summer Camps are weird to a Brit
- Parent talk – what excites your kid will be a mystery
- Let’s talk about Super Mario
- What’s Las Vegas really like?
- Confusion between American and British English
- In Maine you are from “away”
- Ross has never been to America
- What is a Leaf Peeper?
- Americans and Canadians have a reputation for driving
- Bodie the Dog
- Bodie the Dog
- Even more on Live-Tweeting and a bit on Excel
- How to use the rand() function
- John’s Live-Tweeting Rules
- Nobody wants your parent’s stuff
- The Star Trek Valentine’s Day special comic
- Star Trek novel flowchart
- The podcast is edited for quality, not content
- Kobayashi Maru regrets
- Captain Styles does not have a canonical first name
Episodes Discussed
- Babel DS9 S1E5
- The Slaver Weapon TAS S1E14
- Memento Mori SNW S4E01
- Elementary, Dear Data TNG S2E03
- Star Trek: X-Men Crossover Comics
- Star Trek: First Contact (Movie)
- Regeneration ENT S2E23
- Talk with Ross on his Twitter or on Mastodon
- Find his podcast, SnapTrek, here
- SnapTrek is also on Twitter here
This show is a labor of love. If you’d like to show your support for Trek Profiles, please consider a donation to the official charity of the podcast: The Children’s Fund for Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD). Click here to donate. Or click here to learn more about GSD.
- Background photo by Ana Paula Grimaldi on Unsplash
- Would you like to write some Kobayashi Maru lightning round questions? If you’d like to submit some for possible inclusion on the show, you can send me a message via Twitter or email me. I give some suggestions on good questions here.