In this episode we speak with podcaster, movie buff, and Star Trek fan Derick McDuff.

- Who is a fan?
- Let’s measure the fandom intensity
- The community can be scary
- A diversion already??? Hockey talk
- Trek was always in the background
- Starting out with Voyager
- Trek 2009 made it cool again
- Nerds are cool now
- The 2009 Trek look: lens flare and everything looks like an Apple Store
- The beginning of serialized TV
- Getting lost with Lost
- Voyager ambiguities
- The TOS movie trilogy was a new thing at the time
- Viewing update and looking forward to Discovery
- Bryan Fuller fan
- Show premises don’t tell you much
- What are Star Trek movies for?
- Movies are an event
- The shared experience is the thing
- The remastered experience
- Star Trek Funko Pops
- Loot Crate sad feels
- More sad feels (and lost Quatloos) for Anovos
- Recommendation for the LA Away Team
- Learning to wait for the conclusion
- All Star Trek is for everyone?
- Four Quadrant Movie
- 2009/TMP comparison (Again!)
- City on the Edge controversy
- Star Trek III is the middle child
- Male friendship as seen in movies
- “In the Human Heart”
- It’s the searching, not the finding…
- Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Morale officer on board the USS West Covina
- Bonus Material
- Speedracer
- Gravity
- Zulu
- The Uninvited
- A whole bit on Lost
- Lost, chronologically
- The Sweet Hereafter
Episodes Discussed
- Star Trek First Contact (Movie)
- Equinox VOY S5E26 S6E01
- Star Trek (2009, Movie)
- City on the Edge of Forever TOS S1E28
- Star Trek II (Movie)
- Star Trek IV (Movie)
- The Void VOY S7E15
- Star Trek Beyond (Movie)
- All Good Things TNG S7E26
- Star Trek V (Movie)
- Infinity Stones and Dragon Bones podcast
- Underrated podcast
- Midnight Film Society
- The Undercast company
This show is a labor of love. If you’d like to show your support for Trek Profiles, please consider a donation to the official charity of the podcast: The Children’s Fund for Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD). Click here to donate. Or click here to learn more about GSD.
- Background photo by James Lee on Unsplash
- Would you like to write some Kobayashi Maru lightning round questions? If you’d like to submit some for possible inclusion on the show, you can send me a message via Twitter or email me. I give some suggestions on good questions here.
- Some portions of the Kobayashi Maru lightning round questions in this episode were written by listener Adam Saunders. If you’d like to submit questions for possible inclusion on the show, you can send me a message via Twitter or email me. I give some suggestions on good questions here.