In this episode we speak with the prolific author and historian in training John Concagh about his Star Trek fandom.

- The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
- Star Trek led to crimes
- Pandemic Star Trek acceleration
- Not a completionism by choice
- Viewing order options
- The weekly podcasting slog
- The premise of Voyager… did it work?
- Podcasting origins… blame Olivia
- The I Quit Star Trek podcast
- My guest likes talking about bad episodes, it makes him like the good ones even more
- The Edge of Midnight writing project
- Blame the barber
- Historical Fan Non-Fiction Fiction
- Being Federation Robert K Massie
- History is narrative and Star Trek needed that, according to my guest
- Creating new canon
- My guest says which episode used canon the best…
- Synthesizing the whole show
- Convention talk
- Destination Star Trek opinions
- The STLV circus
- John C is immune because he’s half Canadian
- About Tranquility Press, and “Fan Non-Fiction”
- The Ohniaka III Project
- What’s the backbone of the Trek fanfic community? K/S of course
- Organia or bust!
- Collection materials
- The rebirth of the FASA Starship Combat game and another resource too
- Appreciating John M. Ford’s world-building
- Schmigadoon!
- Election weirdness in the Federation
- Morality is at the heart of some good episodes
- How TNG and DS9 might handle scenarios differently
- Unabashed love for early TNG
- Ron Jones appreciation
- “Your mileage may vary on the Spirk issue”
- John C feels that there are only a few villains who can match JLP
- Star Trek: Crew
- Trek Comics are under appreciated
- You can hear the music
- The Platonic Ideal of a Trek episode
- Decker ideations
- Gene was a good salesman
- 1968
- The power of a good story
- Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Lecturer in Military History at Starfleet Academy
- The Final Reflection (Novel, 1984)
- Errand of Mercy TOS S1E27
- Duet DS9 S1E19
- Encounter at Farpoint TNG S1E01 & S1E02
- Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (Movie, 1984)
- The Defector TNG S3E10
- Star Trek: Crew (IDW Comic, 2009)
- The Doomsday Machine TOS S2E06
- John’s Twitter
- The Edge of Midnight writing project
- The Tranquility Press webring
- The I Quit Star Trek podcast
This show is a labor of love. If you’d like to show your support for Trek Profiles, please consider a donation to the official charity of the podcast: The Children’s Fund for Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD). Click here to donate. Or click here to learn more about GSD.
Would you like to write some Kobayashi Maru lightning round questions? If you’d like to submit some for possible inclusion on the show, you can send me a message via Twitter or email me. I give some suggestions on good questions here.
Background photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash