A Special Episode! In this one we do a collaboration with the hosts of “What Does Star Wars Mean to You?” A podcast that covers the exact same topic as Trek Profiles, but from the Star Wars perspective.

- What is even happening?
- Podcaster histories
- To engage or not to engage in the debate
- Are we Switzerland?
- Did the Star Wars fandom feel like a Boy’s Club years ago?
- Liking the Clone Wars is controversial
- That 80’s upbringing
- Now that’s a Hot Take on Rey
- Check out the sports fandom for a contrast
- We are the delicate nerds over here, leave us alone!
- John’s series on New Star Trek Fans (Episodes 75, 69, 57, 53, 48, and 41)
- Social media and fandom
- Roman Archaeology, and how it applies to social media
- Formats: how they are alike and different
- Over 900 episodes of Star Trek
- Don’t recap!
- How do we get guests
- John does not like it when prospective guests compare themselves to other guests – Episode 69 with Rahim Buford and Episode 79 with Stephanie Gerk
- Why spend the time? Are we the crazy ones?
- What we get out of it
- How do we feel about Bonus Material?
- Mystery Comic Book Bags
- How do we grow our shows?
- What did we learn about Star Wars?
- Remember when the fans owned it?
- Views have moderated
- Thinking about Captive Pursuit
- Star Wars Hot Topics
- Star Wars “Legends”
- It’s a perfectly cromulent show
- It’s Five for the Force!
- Yes, John did make a Sci-Fi mashup movie in Super8 as a kid
- The Kobayashi Maru

- What Does Star Wars Mean to You Linktree
- What Does Star Wars Mean to You Twitter
- Dave’s Twitter @SuperDaveAwesum
- Elora’s Twitter @cosmicantlers93
This show is a labor of love. If you’d like to show your support for Trek Profiles, please consider a donation to the official charity of the podcast: The Children’s Fund for Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD). Click here to donate. Or click here to learn more about GSD.