In this episode we speak with the actor, comedian, improv artist, and Star Trek fan Rob Norman

- CityTV made him do it
- Star Trek TNG is about Dads, my guest says
- The TNG S2 parenting issue
- TOS was too scary
- Crave is not craving Star Trek in Canada
- Viewing status
- Toronto convention experiences
- A friend makes it ok to like Star Trek
- Comics and books were the main thing
- Putting the collection away
- Star Trek sick burn, my guest has fears
- Bad Dog Theatre in Toronto
- STLV Secondary and Tertiary theaters have the weird stuff
- Star Trek Improv Fail
- A bit on our interview with Paul Mattingly from the Star Trek Experience
- Star Trek is the background music for creative endeavors
- Picard Dad issues
- Coast to Coast AM
- Good Dad/Bad Dad
- Giving up Star Trek to be “cool”
- The VHS tapes of glory
- Memorizing episode titles
- The episode with the best quotes…
- The movie Sliding Doors
- TNG rarely celebrates risk-taking
- Starfleet is far away?
- Becoming a step-dad
- The kid was not interested in Trek
- Prodigy was the way in
- My guest’s Dad was a Patrick Stewart clone
- The alternative Picard ending
- Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Field Operative for Betazoid Intelligence
- Bonus Material
- A little on the Star Trek Cruise
- A diversion on Star Wars
Episodes Discussed
- Bloodlines TNG S7E22
- Pegasus TNG S7E12
- Tapestry TNG S6E15
- Remembrance PIC S1E01
- Best of Both Worlds TNG S3E26, S4E01, S4E02
- Kobayashi PRO S1E06
This show is a labor of love. If you’d like to show your support for Trek Profiles, please consider a donation to the official charity of the podcast: The Children’s Fund for Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD). Click here to donate. Or click here to learn more about GSD.
- Background Photo by Zia Syed on Unsplash
- Would you like to write some Kobayashi Maru lightning round questions? If you’d like to submit some for possible inclusion on the show, you can send me a message via Twitter or email me. I give some suggestions on good questions here.
- Some portions of the Kobayashi Maru lightning round questions in this episode were written by listener Peter Wolchak. If you’d like to submit questions for possible inclusion on the show, you can send me a message via Twitter or email me. I give some suggestions on good questions here.