In this episode we speak with the podcaster Brad LeBaron about his Star Trek fandom and how the show helped him overcome some issues he had as a younger man.

- There was never a time without Star Trek
- Migrating for the cheese
- That’s Dad’s thing
- Pre-empted by Sports
- Comfort Food
- Jumping around in the rewatch
- Leaving Netflix was a problem
- Not watching the new until caught up
- Sister Mel is the one who is pushing Brad to get caught up
- The Swiss Cheese model of viewing Star Trek
- Solo Star Trek viewing
- Movie and conventions were a family affair
- Trek on the home screen
- John’s Live Tweeting Rules
- Brad likes Earwolf
- Tawny Newsome appreciation
- The mysterious Starfleet Academy show
- A Star Trek family
- Thinking your Dad was Data, but realizing he’s Worf
- Being a Pastor’s Kid too
- Secret family members are a Star Trek thing
- Lore is hilarious & fun
- Not sure about who are the favorite characters
- When you realize that you are the Data character
- Maybe Data had emotions all along
- Tom Hardy appreciation, but he was wasted in Nemesis
- Tom Hardy in Locke (Trailer)
- Brad loves and hates the Ferengi
- Romantic storylines in DS9
- Brad has social anxiety
- John watched Derry Girls
- Brad regrets some of the opinions he held when he was a younger man
- Piglet & Jack the Ripper
- John’s interview with Maggie McNeill, who made him think of the episode in a new way
- The rewatch never stops
- Star Trek Enterprise and 9/11 for Brad
- Anxiety as part of the character
- Toxic Spirituality
- Start Star Trek anywhere, is John’s advice
- The optimism and importance in the culture of Star Trek
- Honorary Star Trek title awarded: Composer for the upcoming Captain Proton Rock Opera
- Bonus Material
- Gene’s Vision was very horny
- Fandom in the 1970s
- Denim jacket back panel painting was the thing in the 1980’s
- John used to work with the world’s biggest KISS fan
- Concept Album Discussion
- KISS and The Elder
- Culver’s is for the Mid-West
- In and Out Burger protein style burgers are superior
- Brad likes King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
- Learning audio? You need to appreciate Mike Russell from Music Radio Creative
Episodes Discussed
- New Ground TNG S5E10
- Datalore TNG S1E13
- Little Green Men DS9 S4E07
- It’s Only a Paper Moon DS9 S7E10
- Rejoined DS9 S4E05
- Wolf in the Fold TOS S2E14
- The Xindi Arc, ENT S3
- An Obol for Charon DSC S2E4
- Find Brad’s podcast here
- You can follow his show on Twitter here
- Brad’s Linktree is here
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- Background photo by Dave on Unsplash
- Would you like to write some Kobayashi Maru lightning round questions? If you’d like to submit some for possible inclusion on the show, you can send me a message via Twitter or email me. I give some suggestions on good questions here.